Christ Apostolic Church Nigeria and Overseas is a blend of
Body, Soul, and Spirit.
There are so many community works that our Churches currently do, and so many more we could still do.
With a little help, we can be intentional in affecting our community positively, without being overly prescriptive.
Blood pressure tests. Diabetes checks. Coffee mornings. Mothers and toddler groups. Warm spaces. Exercise classes. Talking Therapies. Employment consultations. Signposting to services. And much more.
Come and visit our church and take away some practical examples of
Expanding the Fold.
Pastor James Olanipekun
Regional Communiy Project Officer
Anosike, Europe

Expanding the Fold
The shepherd's toolbox
As followers of Jesus, we are commissioned to go into the whole earth and ‘make disciples’ and to pray ‘Your Kingdom come’. Both missions are addressed in this collection as we are encouraged to be a community that reaches the community.
Within these pages are tools for developing the church to become a Shared Life community and how that community can make a difference to the local community. Over 20 years of front-line experience is laid out, so that you too can expand the fold of your relationships, serving and influence.
Daniel Singleton has edited this book for the CAC European Conference 2023. As Executive Director of FaithAction, he advises government on policy related to Faith and Civil Society. He is a sort after speaker on faith in the public square and a recognised authority on the practice of Shared life.
Daniel lives in East London with Heidi and their three teenage children. Their latest venture, involves a parent takeover of church youth work, focusing on practical apprenticeship to Jesus, whilst renovating a venue with young people.